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"Lift-Jet"--the only SAFE & easy-to-fly "backyard flyer".

[Category : - OTHER]
[Viewed 2312 times]

A Vertical Take-off and Landing (VToL) air-vehicle, based on the easy-to-fly, intuitive "tilt-to-control" flying platforms of the 1950's, and made safe by virtue of an array of "descent-vanes". Also referred to as a "parachute-wing" this feature makes the Lift-Jet virtually crash-proof, from any altitude. Even in the event of a complete loss of power, this vehicle automatically descends vertically, with a ground impact that is actually softer than that of an average sports parachute. Besides safety, one problem with the old "Hiller"-type Flying Platform-was poor performance and low airspeeds. This problem is also rectified by the Lift-Jets "parachute-wing" --which acts exactly like an ordinary, high-lift ultralight-airplane wing during forward flight. The result is a useful payload capacity, trip range and duration, and a top speed of about 60 mph--all of which makes the Lift-Jet a practical utility vehicle. The Lift-Jet is of relatively simple construction, using fabric and aluminum-tube wing-vanes and lifting disk, and conventional composites for fueselage and landing floats. Twin 2-cycle engines of about 35 hp. each drive counter-rotating props through a simple chain drive. Instruments and electronics are kept at a minimum, resulting in a rugged vehicle suited to use in remote areas. Because this vehicle is not only safe--but SELF-EVIDENTLY safe, (just as with the popular "parasail" concessions) it has the potential to become a mass-market phenomenon. Initially, it will appeal to adventurers and resource-workers in remote areas but as it develops a good safety record, other recreational and non-pilot users will develop other uses, including that of a commuter-vehicle.

Financial information

Depending upon the source, and which categories are used, estimates of the US ultralight/homebuilt aircraft market range from 3 5 to 80 billion US,$ An inexpensive ultralight that has Vtol capability could capture a large portion of this existing market, not to mention a huge potential cross-over market. Any recreationalist--whether interested in motorcycles, sno-machines, quads, or what-have-you, is a potential Lift-Jet customer. In testing the early platforms, the US Army discovered that most people could learn to fly them within 20 minutes. They were so easy by virtue of having intuitive operation--just lean in the direction you want to go. Add to that the phenomenal Safety Quotient of the Lift-Jet, and you have a product that very few outdoorsmen could resist.

In addition to an immense recreational market, there is, perhaps a market of equal value for a Safe Drone. Currently, over 600 Drone applications in the US are being held up because of safety concerns. These mainly revolve around the operation of heavy camera-platforms, or Cargo-Drones over congested urban areas. Much of this could be alleviated by applying the Lift-Jet solution to autonomous or remotely-piloted drones. According to a recent report by the Auditor General, the drone industry is expected to contribute about 80 billion US$ to the US economy over the next 3 years.

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