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[Category : - HEALTH- Life-saving; Fire-fighting]
[Viewed 317 times]

The invention relates to a disinfection unit for sterilizing a volume of gas by fragmenting it into segments, physically isolating each segment from the other segments, exposing each segment to UV-C radiation in order to disinfect it, then freeing each segment thus exposed. All the operations of this germicidal filter are sequential and in pipeline mode in order to ensure a continuous gas flow at the outlet. The disinfection unit thus comprises a housing divided into four cells (156a-d), each having a first orifice and a second orifice, where each cell is equipped with a source of UV-C radiation, and where each orifice of each cell (156a-d) has a closure system. The disinfection unit also comprises a control unit which controls the turning on and off of each source of UV-C radiation and the passage of each closure system from an open position to a closed position, ensuring the segmentation of a volume of gas into a plurality of segments treated individually in order to ensure an exposure time that is sufficient to ensure complete disinfection.

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1ventive does not intend to directly use this invention, so we are open to a technology transfer by assigning all the Intellectual Property rights : granted patent FR3115697B1 and its abroad extensions (contact: Link).

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