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Overhead Disinfection System for Businesses & Public Places

[Viewed 1115 times]

I invented/patented an overhead disinfectant system for businesses & public places to fight COVID19 & so we are prepared for the next pandemic. Businesses had to close for multiple months and millions of people were laid off & there are over 4.5 million cases of COVID19 & over 150,000 deaths related to COVID19 in the United States. This invention would be great for grocery stores, movie theaters, churches, day cares, casinos, doctors waiting rooms, etc. It disinfects the air from 7ft to 3ft to avoid slip hazards, runs on a timer system, has a human sensor so people are not sprayed with disinfectant, plan to use safe FDA & EPA approved disinfectant, can disinfect products on shelves prior to stores opening, and more. Also, has the grocery cart disinfection option. I had an attorney perform a patent search & we filed the patent in May of 2020. I also have the draftsman's drawings & a 3 minute animated video showing how this will work & a big college is interested in building the prototype for me. I will hear more about the prototype build in September 2020.

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I am open to listening to offers from people/companies. I'm good with licensing this out by state or I am open to someone offering me a big upfront payment & where I will get a royalty as well. I'm not too interested is selling this 100% outright, because I see the potential of this being a large money maker. I have a big college where the faculty approved my project as a prototype build for their students, but we have to wait & see if students will sign up for the build. I will hear about the prototype build in September of 2020. If they want to build the prototype I want to allow them to build it, because I think this would be a good project for their engineering students. I think a lot of businesses could benefit from this invention; movie theaters, grocery stores, day cares, casinos, churches, hospitals, doctors waiting rooms, etc. I have the patent, the draftsman's drawings, & a 3 minute video showing how this works & a big college may possibly build the prototype.

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