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Security identification wristband (Fun ID's)

[Category : - DESIGN PATENTS]
[Viewed 2592 times]

Millions of children go to amusement parks with their families each year. A large percentage of these children get separated from their families and panic ensues. My patented fluorescent and sparkled based ID wristband puts an end to family fear of a child getting lost at an amusement park, water park or any park for that matter. The wristband is industrial strength (child cannot remove it)that is water proof, fluorescent (8 colors) and sparkled base. On the top part of the wristband is the parks logo ie.. Disney, Six Flags, Etc...On the reverse side is the child's name and parent cell phone number. The information is printed out on to a poly adhesive strip that is smudge and tear proof, and then applied to the wristband.
The wristbands are purchased at the ticket office when you arrive at the park. No electronics are involved with these wristbands. Huge profit margins. Great keepsakes for the kids. All park employees are informed of the ID wristband program.
Never worry about getting separated from your child again.

***Patent: Ornamental design, for a child security ID wristband to be used at large amusement and water parks.

Financial information

Background information: My former company name was Fun ID's.

I had a one year contract with a Six Flags test park. I decided not to renew the contract as Six Flags had so much red tape and issues, It was no longer an interest of mine to continue a business relationship with Six Flags.

I was in final negotiations with Disney in September of 2005 to implement the wristband program, when CEO Michael Eisner was let go from his position. All new deals were shelved. Getting in touch with Disney's new CEO have not been fruitful.

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